Gender Pay Gap Statement


All private and public organisations in the UK with more than 250 employees are now required to report on their “Gender Pay Gap” (GPG). The GPG shows the difference between the average (mean or median) earnings of men and women, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings. The regulations require the following specific calculations to be made:

• Mean gender pay gap
• Median gender pay gap
• Mean bonus gender pay gap
• Median bonus gender pay gap
• The proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment
• The proportion of males and females in each quartile band

This is the first year that we have been required to report and we are pleased to share our gender pay figures as follows:

The Kay Group (UK) Ltd mean and median pay gaps

Hourly Pay                                                                             Bonus Pay
Mean Hourly Pay Gap                    -0.71%                            Mean Bonus Pay Gap                       -29.05%
Median Hourly Pay Gap                  0.00%                             Median Bonus Pay Gap                    -28.45%

Proportion of employees who received a bonus
Male 22.58%
Female 18.60%

When looking at bonuses, whilst less women received bonus, the mean bonus pay gap is 29.05% higher for female employees. Our bonus scheme is based on loyalty awards for service rather than bonus payments.

Percentage of male and female employees by pay quartile
Male                                                                                        Female

Upper (Highest Pay)          43.24%                                          Upper (Highest Pay) 56.76%
Upper Middle                    29.73%                                          Upper Middle 70.27%
Lower Middle                    28.38%                                          Lower Middle 71.62%
Lower (Lowest Paid)         66.22%                                          Lower (Lowest Paid) 33.78%


Simon Fielding
Finance Director